Think You Know Everything About Dental Implants? Think Again!

April 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — aestheticfamilydentistry @ 8:43 pm
dentist talking to someone about dental implants

Dental implants are one of the most widely celebrated methods of tooth replacement. They’re incredibly powerful, durable, and can provide patients with a stunning amount of bite strength. However, even with all the buzz around this dental treatment, there are a lot of things about it that you might not know.

If you’re interested in learning more, here are some surprising facts about dental implants.

Fact: Dental Implants Last for Decades

Most people who have read up on dental implants are aware of their durability. However, they might not fully understand the full extent of how long dental implants actually last, or how successful they really are.

Around 95% of dental implants are successful at 20 years, and a vast majority last over 30. In fact, it’s common for dental implants to last for the entire life of the patients who get them!

Fact: Dental Implants Have a Long History

The story of modern dental implants began in the mid-20th century, when a doctor discovered titanium’s ability to fuse with bone. This allowed for sturdier implants than was ever possible before. However, this is far from the first time people tried replacing teeth by placing objects in the jaw.

In fact, archaeological records show that the Ancient Mayans, Egyptians, and Chinese all attempted to replace teeth this way. In the case of the former, the seashells that they used actually managed to fuse with bone tissue—something that wouldn’t be reliably replicated for thousands of years!

Fact: Dental Implants Won’t Decay

Part of the reason that dental implants are so durable is that they’re resistant to many of the forces that could compromise natural teeth. Tooth decay is an excellent example; the porcelain false teeth are often made from is resistant to erosion, which means that you’ll never have to worry about cavities.

Of course, there are other issues that can compromise the health of your dental implants, particularly infection. This means that you can’t just ignore your dental hygiene. However, having a dental implant will provide you with a strong, durable tooth that you won’t have to take special care of in order to maintain.

About Our Practice

At Aesthetic & Family Dentistry of North Bethesda, we believe that dentistry is about more than just administering treatments. We also make it a point to get to know our patients on an individual level, allowing us to educate them thoroughly on the finer points of dental hygiene as well as to customize treatment to their particular needs. When it comes to complex procedures, like dental implants, you can expect us to be on your side for the duration of your treatment.

If you have any questions about dental implants, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (301) 658-7647.

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