No More Morning Joe: Is It Safe to Drink Coffee After a Tooth Extraction?

August 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — aestheticfamilydentistry @ 9:27 am
A close-up of a white coffee cup

A tooth extraction isn’t the most pleasant treatment, even if it doesn’t hurt. You’ll likely want to move on from the procedure and enjoy a nice pick-me-up once it’s done. That said, you should keep your usual cups of coffee off the menu; these drinks can harm your oral health post-treatment. As for the details, your North Bethesda dentist will gladly explain. Here’s a primer on why it isn’t safe to drink coffee after a tooth extraction, as well as some helpful recovery tips.

After Tooth Extraction, Coffee is a No-Go

Yes, you heard right – you mustn’t drink coffee right after a tooth extraction. Doing so will delay (or even reverse) your recovery from the treatment.

Don’t forget that a tooth extraction leaves a space in your mouth. Once it’s done, your mouth will need time to heal and defend the treatment site. Your body will thus form a blood clot over your wound, keeping out harmful microbes and debris. Coffee would get in the way of the clot formation process and either delay or prevent healing. In fact, it could even raise your risk of a painful dry socket.

When Is It Safe to Drink Coffee Again?

Of course, getting a tooth extraction doesn’t mean swearing off coffee forever. You must only give up the drink until your mouth heals up enough.

In particular, wait at least five days post-extraction to have coffee again. You can then slowly re-introduce it to your diet and have small amounts. About two weeks after your procedure, you can return to your usual coffee intake; any lingering swelling will have faded by then. Just remember to call your dentist if anything feels off or if you have any questions.

Tips on Recovering from Tooth Extraction

If you’re antsy without your java, you can always speed up the recovery process. Just try the following tips and tricks:

  • Don’t Upset the Treatment Site: Things like tobacco, alcohol, and strong mouth rinses will also delay healing, so avoid them after your extraction.
  • Numb Your Discomfort: If your mouth feels sore post-extraction, try rinsing your mouth with warm saltwater. You could also apply a cold cloth or ice bag to reduce swelling.
  • Follow Dentist Instructions: After your extraction, your dentist will likely tell you to brush and floss while avoiding the extraction area. They may also tell you to take medication as prescribed.

While it isn’t safe to drink coffee after a tooth extraction, the treatment is still worth getting. Just talk to your dentist to learn about its upsides and how it’d improve your smile.

About the Practice

Aesthetic & Family Dentistry of North Bethesda is based in North Bethesda, MD. Led by Drs. Obholz, Kaur, and Jung, our practice provides custom dental care for all ages. That means we offer preventive, cosmetic, and even restorative work, as well as emergency treatments when needed. You can even count on us for tooth extraction and tooth replacement options! For more details or to book a visit, please reach us on our website or by phone at (301)-658-7647.

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